lørdag 29. mars 2008

The Top 20 Oxymorons

Here are pairs of words that should not be said together. . .

20 - Act Natural
19 - Genuine Imitation
18 - Good Grief
17 - Same Difference
16 - Almost Exactly

15 - Sanitary Landfill
14 - Alone Together
13 - Silent Scream
12 - Living Dead
11 - Small Crowd
10 - New Classic
9 - Sweet Sorrow
8 - “Now, Then”
7 - Passive Aggressive
6 - Taped Live
5 - Clearly Misunderstood
4 - Peace Force
3 - Terribly Pleased
2 - Pretty Ugly

The #1 Oxymoron is. . .

1 - Microsoft Works :-)

Banzai Harakiri

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