There might be an idea to turn off 'track changes' in MS Word before writing a letter like this :-)--------------------
Subject Line:
I’ve Notified Law Enforcement Good Memories!
Dear Tabitha,
I’ve been doing a lot of
heavy drinking thinking, and I
want to deboard your crazy train don’t think we should keep seeing each other. I really like
your apartment you and I’m obviously very attracted to
your roommate you, and in a lot ways
I am baffled as to how you manage to function daily on even the most basic level we match well, but I just can’t see myself
watching you pick lint off your sweater and eat it again staying in a relationship here.
It’s a very specific general feeling, more based on
the incident where you shoved the prongs of a fork under your thumbnail until it bled without comment where I am in my life. It’s easy hard to explain, and I guess I needed my recent vacation to
hide from you figure things out, but I really feel like it wouldn’t be fair to keep
boning seeing you
after i found the dead racoons in your freezer if that’s the way I’m leaning. I feel like if I don’t make this decision now,
my life will be at risk in the very near future we’d both get more and more emotionally invested, and yet I’d still feel like I’d need to
probably move out of state leave, and then it would be much worse
for my physical safety.Just to be clear, this has
everything nothing to do with
everything anything you did or
definitely did didn’t do. You’ve
caused my very soul to shudder been great in all ways, and I really did
recoil in disgust enjoy getting to know you. Believe me this was a
prudent not an easy decision to make, and it’s not one I made
without first securing an order of protection lightly either.
I wish you
were locked up the best - you’re
on your way to a 72 hour involuntary psych hold brilliant, every idea you have is
born of some deeply seeded psychosis pure genius! You’re beyond
drug therapy hilarious yet
curiously allowed to roam free sensitive,
tolerably attractive cute yet
bangable sexy also. And you could win gold in
the crazier than a sh*thouse rat contest kissing olympics. Please don’t
call me hate me, and I hope you
are very far away very soon understand.
I’ve already changed my name, Best of luck to you in all that you do,
Formerly Max Smith
Banzai Harakiri